Dev Blog #2: REDLINEDECENT – Movement Complete, Progress on Weapons

Date: September 15, 2024


It’s time for an update on REDLINEDECENT! I’ve been hard at work over the last couple days, and I’m happy to say that the movement system is now as smooth and stable as I can get it. Whether it’s sprinting, jumping, or dodging, the character’s movement feels responsive and fluid, which was a critical step to get right for the fast-paced action I’m aiming for.

**Current Focus: Weapons & Sounds**

With movement locked in, I’ve shifted my focus to implementing weapons and their corresponding sound effects. While I’m still in the process of fine-tuning things, I’d say the basics are about 70% done. Once I’ve finished, players will be able to feel the impact and excitement that comes with using different weapons in the game. Sound design is a big part of that immersion, so I’m working to make sure the weapons not only feel great to use but sound awesome as well!

**What’s Next?**

Once weapons are in a good place, I’ll be turning my attention toward more advanced systems. AI and melee combat are next on the list, though it’s possible melee mechanics might be something I fully dive into post-release. There’s also the task of creating models, which is another big milestone coming up soon. I’m making solid progress, but we’re still far from the finish line—there’s a lot more to do!

Stay tuned for another update next week, where I’ll dive deeper into the game’s development journey.

Until then!

— Vanilla



REDlNEDECENT Open Dev Build 55 MB
88 days ago

Get REDLINEDECENT Public Dev Build v0.3.20-STAINED

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